Interview with Mike Fuchs

1) Who are you?

Mike Fuchs/Yellow Salamand’r... and I’m still learning who I really am.

2) Can you describe your surroundings? 

Small village rural. Generally peaceful.

3) Where would you like to go? 

Wherever the path leads. The journey is most exciting part for me.

4) What would you say are the main features of your creative process(s)? 

Simplicity. Obscurity. Insouciance.

5) What do you really want your audience to understand about you/your art? 

I don’t wish to impart my vision on others. It’s so much more intriguing for an audience to create their own perspective. Keep ‘em guessing.

6) Does audience matter? 

I create, because I have to. It’s my release. So essentially I do it for me, but clearly audience response... good or bad... is invigorating. Final answer... no/yes😉.

7) Why Resist? 

Depends entirely on the circumstances.

8) Why do you do it? 

I have to, for my sanity.

9) What drives you? 

I just cannot ignore the desire  to create. It’s embedded.

10) What do you do in your daily life? 

Recently retired after 40 years from a maintenance career in a steel mill.

11) Do you have any strategies for adapting to the challenges of existing in your unnatural environment? 

If so, what are they? I don’t  understand the significance of this question. Life is what you make of it.

12) What is your favorite animal? 


13) What would your superpower be? 

Devil-may-care Man!!!

14) What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever seen? 

Too many facets of “strange”, to simply chose one thing over another.

15) Please tell us something about one EFSPACM project that you took part in, and how you worked on your piece. 

I cheated somewhat. The machines project reminded me of a track I’d created years ago, so l merely “overhauled” it.


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