
Showing posts from April, 2021

Interview with Neal D. Retke

1) Who are you? {AN} EeL / Neal D. Retke  2) Can you describe your surroundings? Currently - The ' Man Cave ' portion of the house, i.e. - the basement, A.K.A. ~ Where the magic happens  3) Where would you like to go? As time progresses, it's less a matter of where I want to than enjoying where I am - A Mantra presented itself to me a number of years ago, that being " This is where I am Now " - It's always true & bears keeping in mind. I consider myself fortunate in having traveled a lot - New Zealand, Central & South America, All around the USA - Several pilgrimages to Cheser, Ill.  I've lived a nomadic lifestyle for many of my year. So my travel itch is well satiated I'm happy to say - Having said that, there's nothing quite as meditative  4) What would you say are the main features of your creative process(s)? Improvisation, Collaboration, Spontaneity 5) What do you really want your audience to understand about you/your art? I'm indi