
Showing posts from June, 2021

Interview with Sze Tsang

1) Who are you? samarobryn, aka Sze Tsang :) I am a composer, musician, performer, academic researcher...also dog parent, succulent grower and FFXIV player.  2) Can you describe your surroundings? It's a lovely, clear Makuru day in Perth, Western Australia. Typical of this period, there is a distinct cold bite in the air. Sunlight is streaming through the windows. My dog, Nira, is asleep on the couch with a blanket.  3) Where would you like to go? To bed ;) It's one of those days...More seriously - if there is one place I could visit right now, it would be Antarctica. I've always been fascinated by that place. It's brutal, but also beautiful, and such an alien landscape. Amazing wildlife and geographical features.  4) What would you say are the main features of your creative process(s)? A lot of the time, I ask myself: how does something - a theme, a place, an idea - make me feel? Then I think about how I might express my feelings through sound.  The primary feature in

Interview with Mike Fuchs

1) Who are you? Mike Fuchs/Yellow Salamand’r... and I’m still learning who I really am. 2) Can you describe your surroundings?   Small village rural. Generally peaceful. 3) Where would you like to go?   Wherever the path leads. The journey is most exciting part for me. 4) What would you say are the main features of your creative process(s)?   Simplicity. Obscurity. Insouciance. 5) What do you really want your audience to understand about you/your art?   I don’t wish to impart my vision on others. It’s so much more intriguing for an audience to create their own perspective. Keep ‘em guessing. 6) Does audience matter?   I create, because I have to. It’s my release. So essentially I do it for me, but clearly audience response... good or bad... is invigorating. Final answer... no/yes😉. 7) Why Resist?   Depends entirely on the circumstances. 8) Why do you do it?   I have to, for my sanity. 9) What drives you?   I just cannot ignore the desire  to create. It’s embedded. 10) What do you do i

Machines and Odd Oddities

Hello, we have two EFSPACM projects in June, "Machines" and "Odd Oddities". First: the invitation about the "Machines" project. It can be concrete music (recording a machine) or something resembling machines/about machines. You can use any instruments, your mouth, it can be spoken/sung poetry or just abstract sounds. Or simply the title can be about machines, and your music can sound any way you wish. Some noise is ok, classical music is ok, practically everything is ok (but don't record for example cursing when you hit your finger with a hammer, please). Please experiment (but you can also make it obvious - for example about the machine you are referring to). Thanks to Aide Aspicit for the idea! The other EFSPACM project of June, Odd Oddities, is the idea of Volker Störtebeker, who got a mandoline zither from the year 1905. So make music with Odd/Old Oddities. Plain and simple! Be it an old instrument or music inspired by old stuff. Please send the r